Thinking Like A Designer 像设计师一样思考

thinking design

微信图片_20170727151323Through our comprehensive consultancy group, we can advise on strategy and implementation quality and marketing and product development processes appropriate to most products and services.



As china makes a move from a high volume low value manufacturing economy to one of innovation, quality and higher value, a review of how to achieve this is necessary in order to ensure supply of the required elements and to sustain growth.



The recent announcement by the State Council that investment in the ten areas of public development which they will support are all good examples of where to grow, but in some ways fail to predict how to grow. To simply expect innovative, creative solutions is only identifying the need, without supplying the methodology. In this way china may well leave itself open to the next wave of ‘foreign experts’ when it should be fostering its own solutions and manufacturing culture if it intends to fully exploit the ‘Made in China 2025’ blueprint announced by the State Council. (The issue of manufacturing culture is one of great importance as the identity of Chinese manufacturing should reflect the culture of China, not simply imitate that of western manufacturers).

国务院最近宣布国家将支持在十个公共发展领域的投资,清晰指明了未来增长点所在,但是从某种程度上来说却未能预测如何实现这些增长。仅仅期待革新性、创造性解决方案的出现只能说是认识到了这种需求的存在,而没有给出具体方法。如果想要充分开拓国务院所构想的 “中国制造2025” 蓝图,这样的状况极有可能导致中国在应当培育自己的解决方案和制造业文化之时,却引来新一波“外国专家”涌入的浪潮。(制造业文化意义重大,中国制造业的自我身份认同应该体现中国文化,而非单纯对西方制造商的模仿。)微信图片_20170727151455

There is a need to introduce a less linear, more investigative form of strategic development and planning if the production culture is to be changed and evolve into the competitive entity outlined by the ‘blueprint’. This can be initiated by introducing an approach that is less dependant on single decision makers and develops responsibility with authority at levels where new thinking (thinking design) can assist in meeting the challenges of this cultural change.


I believe there is a need for the introduction of comprehensive, design led product development processes whereby less predictive thinking and planning contribute to more divergent outcomes and so meet the challenges of these new technology applications and manufacturing. To turn innovation and creativity into marketable products and brands requires the input of experienced business focused designers. To ensure market success of these technologies and inventions requires the input of design led product development teams experienced in all the components of ‘bringing to the market’ ideas that otherwise may fail.


This product development strategy should be initiated at the same time as the push for the ten areas of government supported manufacturing. Universities could review the design and engineering education courses and include a business focus which seems to be lacking currently. Between the two departments a hybrid offering called Product Development should be developed using models from UK and Australasia that have been proven to support high tech business and so accelerate the availability of ‘thinking design’ in the management of the proposed changes to manufacturing.

这种产品开发策略在力推政府支持的十个制造业领域之初就应该同时启动。高校可以检讨设计及工程教育相关课程的设置,并将时下短缺的商业思维课程加入其中。不妨借鉴英国和澳大利亚的经验,参考它们的一些已被证明可以对高科技产业起到支持作用的成功模式,在两个院系之间合作形成一个名为“产品开发”(Product Development)的研究方向,借此促进“设计思维”在制造业变革管理中的运用。

Successful examples are spread across consumer manufacturers, Samsung, Dyson, Sony, Apple are all design led businesses and the Product Development processes they employ are superbly tuned to their technology, products and consumers.


TD+ can assist in the change programme for companies taking the challenge to modernize their products and processes through design and product development. To apply thinking design in their approach to manufacturing, marketing, materials and management in order to assist in the achievement of the ‘Made in China 2025’ challenge.



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