MTR Express – a unique design journey from start to goal

thinking design










The new train operator, MTR Express, started to operate the Swedish main train route Stockholm – Gothenburg in the beginning of March 2015. It only took less than three months for the new red MTR Express train to reach over 93% customer satisfaction in the customer surveys.

2015年3月初,瑞典从斯德哥尔摩到哥德堡的主要火车线路开始由新的火车运营商MTR Express经营。根据客户意见调查,在短短不足三个月的时间里, 顾客对新的红色MTR Express 火车的满意度已经超过93%。

Our goal with the project was to create a seamless travelling experience – from the first booking of the journey to the final arrival at the destination.


The project started two years earlier with a white sketch paper that we needed to fill with an extensive and demanding design scope, creating the new MTR Express brand including service, graphic, interior and industrial design – all ready for introduction on the market in March 2015.

项目在两年前启动时只有一张白纸,我们需要填上一个广泛而严苛的设计范围,创建新的MTR Express品牌,其中包括服务、平面设计、内饰设计和工业设计——一切要在2015年3月准备就绪,推出市场。


Parallel to the design project Lundberg Design was also involved in creating the new web based booking system – the first touch point between MTR Express and the customer. The idea was harmonize the booking system with the actual planning and design of the train. Simplicity and reliability are key words for the seamless design of the whole system.

在设计项目进行的同时,Lundberg Design事务所也参与创建新的网上预订系统——这是MTR Express和顾客之间的第一个接触点。其意图是要把预订系统和列车的实际规划设计协调统一。整个系统的无缝设计关键在于“简易性”与“可靠度”。

The red exterior with its dark grey and silver flow design gives the train a unique and strong visual identity, not to be mixed with other brands on the Scandinavian market. The exterior flow design is inspired by the natural flow of the smoke that is used when doing the wind tunnel testing of the train.



The graphics language is based on a carefully selected typeface with a visually clear design providing the MTR Express brand with a unique and strong identity.

精心挑选的字体和清爽的视觉设计构成整个设计图形语言的基础,为MTR Express品牌提供独特而强烈的个性。

Impressive on the outside and even more so on the inside. The elegance of the entrance and vestibule is the first indicator of what awaits within.


The interior of the MTR Express has been designed to meet the highest demands in terms of spaciousness, design and style. The passengers who occupy the luxurious seats enjoy a generous amount of space and comfort. The seats are made of high-quality fabric and leather and perfectly match the interior. The interior treats all passengers to stylish selected products, materials, lovingly crafted with plenty of attention to detail. A close collaboration with ateljé Lyktan, Breitling and Nespresso ensures a supreme level of travelling pleasure.

就宽敞度、设计感和时尚感而言,MTR Express 的内部设计都能满足最苛刻的要求。乘客坐在豪华座椅上,空间非常宽敞舒适。座椅采用高品质的织物和皮革,与内部风格完美搭配。车厢内部精心挑选的时尚产品和物料,以匠心独运的工艺精雕细琢,为所有乘客带来一场设计盛宴。与ateljé Lyktan、Breitling及 Nespresso紧密合作,确保乘客能够体验到最大的旅行乐趣。


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